It requires skills and proper
performance in order to bring a successful event. There are important guidelines to consider in organizing a sports event. Planning and advertising
are among the stages in developing an event. Managing an event is a
process. Each of these stages needs to be carried out and has to be
taken in every angle before presenting and realizing on the event.
Also, managing an event requires organizers to invest on time,
effort, not to mention on the money in order to promote on the event.
Materials such as advertising displays are needed to expose and allow
the public to notice that an event will be held.

Planning and Introduction
This is considered as the first stage
in organizing an event. Before anything else, there has to be a plan
and objective. Along with this stage, an introduction to the event
will be discussed. Perhaps, the type of sports event will be decided
so potential participants will have enough time to practice for the
competition. In addition, there has to be organizing bodies or
committees to delegate on the duties and responsibilities. Some
organizers and event managers hire staff to speed up the work. Say
for a sponsored event, at this point, potential sponsors will be
informed to give them time to prepare for the event. Should they
organize a team to compete in the event, their team will be able to
get ready.